Morrill Hall will be open normal hours Saturday, April 27. However, due to the Nebraska spring football game, museum parking spots in the lot outside of Morrill Hall will be unavailable.

Visitors may pay a fee to park in other publicly available lots on campus or in parking garages and meters surrounding campus. The ADA parking stalls to the East of Morrill Hall will remain available, but visitors will be charged the UNL Parking & Transit Services' game day parking fee.

Virtual Learning Programs

Art of Sea Monsters

Grades 1-5 

NCCRS-Science: SC.3.7.2.B
NGSS: 3-LS4-1

45 minutes

Paint a picture of the past! We’ll look at the evidence, consider the anatomy, draw what we see, and imagine the possibilities. Students will learn about fossils, how they inform us about past environments, and in what ways science guides art.

This live interactive program utilizes our Mesozoic Gallery where we are able see plenty of fossil “sea monsters.” We will be drawing as we explore so each participant will need: 3 pieces of paper, a pencil, scissors, and tape. We always leave plenty of time for questions, too!