Sherman Reservoir


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The Felis Concolor Site (25SM20)


During the summer 2003, the Nebraska Archaeological Survey at the University of Nebraska State Museum completed a 10-week excavation project at a small prehistoric hamlet on Sherman Reservoir near Loup City, Nebraska. This hamlet or the Felis Concolor Site (25SM20) was situated along a low terrace along the eastern edge of Oak Creek. The site consists of at least eight small house pits, as well as a number of associated features.

Project personnel included Dr. Alan Osborn (Project Director), Dan Watson (Field Supervisor), and a small field crew. We were also assisted by five students from the University of Nebraska-Omaha. Our excavations focused on two, small earth lodges and a large storage pit that had been located several years ago by Survey archaeologists including Dr. Steve Holen.

Funding for this project was awarded to the University of Nebraska State Museum by the Bureau of Reclamation prior to the transfer of Sherman Reservoir to the Loup Basin reclamation District and the Sargent and Farwell Irrigation Districts.


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The Archaeologists of the Nebraska Archeological Survey at the University of Nebraska State Museum

Dr. Alan J. Osborn, Director
Research Assistant Professor, Anthropology

Danial R. Watson, Field assistant
Archaeologist, Bureau of Reclamation

Archaeological Field Crew:
Nancy Carlson
J. Chadwick Gerhold
Jason Kruse
Bill Ranney
Ellen Ritter
Megan Young

UNO Students Volunteers:
Drew Bronson
Holly Coneally
Sarah Lorence
Peg Marshall
Amy Rezac

UNO Faculty Sponsor:
Dr. Beth R. Ritter


We would like to acknowledge the following people for their assistance, interest, and friendship during our field work : Marvin Heil and family, Amy (Loup Realty), Mark Eurek, Bernie Kowalski (volunteer), Scott Mroczek, Jim Gembala, Nebraska Game and Parks, Bill Chada (Bureau of Reclamation), UNO student volunteers Drew Bronson, Holly Conneally, Sarah Lorence, Peg Marshall, and Amy Rezac, and UNO Faculty Sponsor Dr. Beth R. Ritter.